Camel K Integration Monitoring

The Camel K monitoring architecture relies on Prometheus and the eponymous operator. Make sure you’ve checked the Camel K monitoring prerequisites.


The Prometheus trait automates the configuration of integration pods to expose a metrics endpoint, that can be discovered and scraped by a Prometheus server.

The Prometheus trait can be enabled when running an integration, e.g.:

$ kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true ...

Alternatively, the Prometheus trait can be enabled globally once, by updating the integration platform, e.g.:

$ kubectl patch ip camel-k --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"traits":{"prometheus":{"configuration":{"enabled":"true"}}}}}'

The underlying instrumentation mechanism depends on the configured integration runtime. As a result, the set of registered metrics, as well as the naming convention they follow, also depends on it.


When the default, a.k.a. main, runtime is configured for the integration, the JMX exporter is responsible for collecting and exposing metrics from JMX mBeans.

A custom configuration for the JMX exporter can be used by setting the prometheus.configmap parameter from the Prometheus trait with the name of a ConfigMap containing a prometheus-jmx-exporter.yaml key, e.g.:

$ kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true -t prometheus.configmap=<jmx_exporter_config>...

Otherwise, the Prometheus trait uses a default configuration.


When the Quarkus runtime is configured for the integration, the Camel Quarkus MicroProfile Metrics extension is responsible for collecting and exposing metrics in the OpenMetrics text format.

The MicroProfile Metrics extension registers and exposes the following metrics out-of-the-box:

It is possible to extend this set of metrics by using either, or both:


The Prometheus trait automatically configures the resources necessary for the Prometheus Operator to reconcile, so that the managed Prometheus instance can scrape the integration metrics endpoint.

By default, the Prometheus trait creates a ServiceMonitor resource, with the label, which must match the serviceMonitorSelector field from the Prometheus resource. Additional labels can be specified with the service-monitor-labels parameter from the Prometheus trait, e.g.:

$ kamel run -t prometheus.service-monitor-labels="label_to_be_match_by=prometheus_selector" ...

The creation of the ServiceMonitor resource can be disabled using the service-monitor parameter, e.g.:

$ kamel run -t prometheus.service-monitor=false ...

More information can be found in the Prometheus trait documentation.

The Prometheus Operator getting started guide documents the discovery mechanism, as well as the relationship between the operator resources.

In case your integration metrics are not discovered, you may want to rely on Troubleshooting ServiceMonitor changes.


The Prometheus Operator declares the AlertManager resource that can be used to configure Alertmanager instances, along with Prometheus instances.

Assuming an AlertManager resource already exists in your cluster, you can register a PrometheusRule resource that is used by Prometheus to trigger alerts, e.g.:

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: PrometheusRule
    prometheus: example
    role: alert-rules
  name: prometheus-rules
  - name: camel-k.rules
    - alert: CamelKAlert
      expr: application_camel_context_exchanges_failed_total > 0

More information can be found in the Prometheus Operator Alerting user guide. You can also find more details in Creating alerting rules from the OpenShift documentation.