Apache camel-kafka-connector 0.6.1 Release

New and Noteworthy

Source Distribution

Source distribution contains all the artifacts Apache Camel project distributes in source form


Apache Camel Kafka Connector

Version Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download SHA512 Checksum file of download
0.6.1 Sources apache-camel-kafka-connector-0.6.1-src.zip apache-camel-kafka-connector-0.6.1-src.zip.asc apache-camel-kafka-connector-0.6.1-src.zip.sha512

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with camel-kafka-connector0.6.1 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-kafka-connector.git
cd camel-kafka-connector
git checkout camel-kafka-connector-0.6.1

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

Create binary distribution
SJMS2 connector fails with qpid JmsConnectionFactory
Possibly moving Integration tests in a separated repository?
Add Integration test for Camel-SFTP Kafka Connector
Add integration test for Camel-FTPS kafka connector
Add Integration test for Camel-FTP kafka connector
Work-around Couchbase timeout issue in URL-based test
Add test for AWS 2 SNS
Add ServiceLoading to prepopulate PojoToSchemaAndStructTransform POJO type -> Shema + struct cache
Syslog connector is missing from the catalog
Provide validation of properties file from the catalog
Error with Syslog Source Connector
Add Dataformat documentation
Include default and possible values in Catalog
is camel-smtp connector ready for production?
Create a Twitter timeline example
Couchbase fails due to incorrect URI format
Add Braintree examples
Create example for Couchbase connector
[camel-main-support] Use camel's built-in support for configuring data formats trough properties
Being able of generating only source or sink connector
Create a Google calendar example
Investigate using Kamelet concepts in Camel-Kafka-connector
Introduce Error Handling Options possibilities
Add an example of FHIR connector's usage
Improve documentation TOC
Add a doc page related to camel vs camel-kafka-connector and when to use one or the other
aws2S3connector: camel.source.endpoint.runLoggingLevel=TRACE no trace log
How to set Map property via the kafka connector configuration
Add a release notes page in docs


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