Apache Camel 3.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 3.x to 3.y. For example if you are upgrading Camel 3.0 to 3.2, then you should follow the guides from both 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.

Upgrading Camel 3.6 to 3.7

Modularized core

The core has been further modularized and is now split up into three new core modules

  • camel-core-model

  • camel-core-reifier

  • camel-core-processor

This separates the route model from the runtime processors via the reifiers, by having the classes in their own modules.

API changes

The class BreakpointSupport has moved from org/apache/camel/processor/interceptor/BreakpointSupport to org.apache.camel.support.BreakpointSupport.

These internal classes has been moved to locations that better suit where other similar processors are located.

The class org.apache.camel.impl.validator.ProcessorValidator moved to org.apache.camel.processor.validator.ProcessorValidator. The class org.apache.camel.impl.transformer.ProcessorTransformer moved to org.apache.camel.processor.transformer.ProcessorTransformer. The class org.apache.camel.impl.transformer.DataFormatTransformer moved to org.apache.camel.processor.transformer.DataFormatTransformer. The class org.apache.camel.impl.validator.ValidatorKey moved to org.apache.camel.impl.engine.ValidatorKey. The class org.apache.camel.impl.transformer.TransformerKey moved to org.apache.camel.impl.engine.TransformerKey.

And the class org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExecutorServiceManager is moved from camel-core-engine JAR to org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultExecutorServiceManager in the camel-base JAR.

The class org.apache.camel.processor.ConvertBodyProcessor is moved to org.apache.camel.support.ConvertBodyProcessor in the camel-support JAR.

The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultClaimCheckRepository moved to org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultClaimCheckRepository in the camel-core-processor JAR.

The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultProducerCache is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.DefaultProducerCache. The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultConsumerCache is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.DefaultConsumerCache. The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.EmptyProducerCache is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.EmptyProducerCache. The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.ServicePool is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.ServicePool. The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.ProducerServicePool is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.ProducerServicePool. The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.PollingConsumerServicePool is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.PollingConsumerServicePool. The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.EventNotifierCallback is moved to org.apache.camel.support.cache.EventNotifierCallback.

The interface org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy has two methods removed related to adding and removing error handlers.

Type Converters

Camel 3.7 has optimized its type converter system, which can impact 3rd party components which has type converters. Previously the type converter system would attempt to find a type converter that would be capable of converting between two given types (also by walking up the parent classes and super interfaces). But this leads to slower performance, and Camel now relies on there being converter methods with the exact combo of converting from/to types.

Converting to milli seconds from text

When converting to milli seconds using the shorthands for time precision with hours, minutes and seconds, then support for fractions is no longer supported. For example delay=0.5m (half minute) isn’t supported instead use delay=30s.

Support for using unites as days, hours, minutes, seconds, and millis has been removed. Units must now also be one of d for days, h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds, and ms for millis (can be omitted). So you can use 1h12m37s42ms for 1 hour, 12 minutes, 37 seconds and 42 milli seconds.


The MBeans for error handlers has been removed.


If a custom org.apache.camel.spi.ProcessorFactory is in use, then the factory should extend the default implementation org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultProcessorFactory and in the overridden methods, super should be called to let the default implementation create the processor when custom processors is not created.

The class org.apache.camel.impl.engine.TypedProcessorFactor moved from camel-base JAR to org.apache.camel.support.TypedProcessorFactor in the camel-support JAR.


Advice routes moved the adviceWith method from org.apache.camel.reifier.RouteReifier to org.apache.camel.builder.AdviceWith. Also adviceWith methods on org.apache.camel.builder.AdviceWithRouteBuilder is deprecated in favour of using methods on org.apache.camel.builder.AdviceWith.


Support for using multiple languages in the toD EIP has been removed as it was a rare feature in use, and is causing some problems for maintenance. toD uses simple language by default, but an alternative language can still be specified.


The option basicPropertyBinding that was deprecated has been removed.


The original URI path has been changed, now the bucket part is simply a required option and it’s not part of the URI anymore.


The event type header is no more an enum, but it is now the explicit event as a String value.


Component uses different serialization mechanism, which is not backwards compatible with the original one. For full compatibility use camel-leveldb-legacy component. (legacy component will be removed in the future)


The class InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy in camel-base JAR is moved from org.apache.camel.impl.engine.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy to org.apache.camel.component.mock.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy in the camel-mock JAR.


The class org.apache.camel.impl.saga.InMemorySagaService is moved to org.apache.camel.saga.InMemorySagaService. The class org.apache.camel.impl.saga.InMemorySagaCoordinator is moved to org.apache.camel.saga.InMemorySagaCoordinator.


The listTypeConverters operation on ManagedTypeConverterRegistryMBean has been removed.


We changed some options naming because they were a bit misleading

  • From kafkaHeaderDeserializer to headerDeserializer

  • From kafkaHeaderSerializer to headerSerializer

  • From keySerializerClass to keySerializer

  • From serializerClass to valueSerializer

For more information, have a look at CAMEL-15770


The Camel Git Commit consumer has been changed a bit.

For each exchange now in the body you’ll get the commit full message as a String and the Commit Object like before.

Other information have been stored in headers declared in GitConstants class - GIT_COMMIT_ID - "CamelGitCommitId" - The commit Id - GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME - "CamelGitAuthorName" - The commit Author name - GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME - "CamelGitCommiterName" - The commit committer name - GIT_COMMIT_TIME - "CamelGitCommitTime" - The commit time

The Camel Git Branch consumer has been changed a bit.

For each exchange now in the body you’ll get the branch ref name and not the full ref like before.

Other information have been stored in headers declared in GitConstants class - GIT_BRANCH_LEAF - "CamelGitBranchLeaf" - Leaf - GIT_BRANCH_OBJECT_ID - "CamelGitBranchObjectId" - Object Id

The Camel Git Tag consumer has been changed a bit.

For each exchange now in the body you’ll get the tag ref name and not the full ref like before.

Other information have been stored in headers declared in GitConstants class - GIT_TAG_LEAF - "CamelGitTagLeaf" - Leaf - GIT_TAG_OBJECT_ID - "CamelGitTagObjectId" - Object Id

Camel-AWS2-S3 Autowire support

The camel-aws2-s3 has now support for autowiring the amazonS3Client option with S3Client instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-S3 UseIamCredentials

The option useIamCredentials has been renamed to useDefaultCredentialsProvider, since we changed to a DefaultCredentialsProvider approach.

Camel-AWS2-Cloudwatch Autowire support

The camel-aws2-cw has now support for autowiring the amazonCwClient option with CloudWatchClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-DDB Autowire support

The camel-aws2-ddb has now support for autowiring the amazonDDBClient option with DynamoDbClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

The camel-aws2-ddbstreams has now support for autowiring the amazonDynamoDbStreamsClient option with DynamoDbStreamsClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-EC2 Autowire support

The camel-aws2-ec2 has now support for autowiring the amazonEc2Client option with Ec2Client instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-ECS Autowire support

The camel-aws2-ecs has now support for autowiring the ecsClient option with EcsClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-EKS Autowire support

The camel-aws2-eks has now support for autowiring the eksClient option with EksClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-Eventbridge Autowire support

The camel-aws2-eventbridge has now support for autowiring the eventBridgeClient option with EventBridgeClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-IAM Autowire support

The camel-aws2-iam has now support for autowiring the iamClient option with IamClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-Kinesis Autowire support

The camel-aws2-kinesis has now support for autowiring the amazonKinesisClient option with KinesisClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

The camel-aws2-kinesis-firehose has now support for autowiring the amazonKinesisFirehoseClient option with FirehoseClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-KMS Autowire support

The camel-aws2-kms has now support for autowiring the awsLambdaClient option with LambdaClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-Lambda Autowire support

The camel-aws2-kms has now support for autowiring the kmsClient option with KmsClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-MQ Autowire support

The camel-aws2-mq has now support for autowiring the amazonMqClient option with MqClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-MSK Autowire support

The camel-aws2-msk has now support for autowiring the mskClient option with KafkaClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-SES Autowire support

The camel-aws2-ses has now support for autowiring the amazonSESClient option with SesClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-SNS Autowire support

The camel-aws2-sns has now support for autowiring the amazonSNSClient option with SnsClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-SNS UseIamCredentials

The option useIamCredentials has been renamed to useDefaultCredentialsProvider, since we changed to a DefaultCredentialsProvider approach.

Camel-AWS2-SQS Autowire support

The camel-aws2-sqs has now support for autowiring the amazonSQSClient option with SqsClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-SQS UseIamCredentials

The option useIamCredentials has been renamed to useDefaultCredentialsProvider, since we changed to a DefaultCredentialsProvider approach.

Camel-AWS2-STS Autowire support

The camel-aws2-sts has now support for autowiring the stsClient option with StsClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-Translate Autowire support

The camel-aws2-translate has now support for autowiring the translateClient option with TranslateClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.

Camel-AWS2-Athena Autowire support

The camel-aws2-athena has now support for autowiring the amazonAthenaClient option with AthenaClient instance coming from the registry. In this context, it wasn’t having any sense to maintain the autodiscoverClient option, which has been now removed.


The default API version for camel-salesforce has been updated to 50.0. Older versions are still supported and can be set via the apiVersion component option.

The packages option must be set if using the XML format option. This change is a result of adopting XStream’s Security Framework.

CAMEL-15890 fixed a bug in which values for External Ids that contained spaces would have spaces converted to "". This has been fixed. However, any such values that now have the plus sign in salesforce will no longer match as Camel will now preserve the space. Therefore you may need to have a transformation that explicitly converts spaces to "" if you need to preserve the old behavior.


The camel-google-bigquery component was updated to use the latest version of google-cloud-bigquery. Some features of GoogleBigQueryConnectionFactory are no longer supported.

It is no longer possible to provide a the service account private key as a String parameter to GoogleBigQueryConnectionFactory. Instead, you should use setCredentialsFileLocation to discover the private key from your credentials file. Or use the fallback mechanism for discovering credentials by setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Refer to the component documentation for more information.