CDC with Camel and Debezium

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a well-established software design pattern for a system that monitors and captures data changes, so that other software can respond to those events. Using a CDC engine like Debezium along with [Camel]() integration framework, we can easily build data pipelines to bridge traditional data stores and new cloud-native event-driven architectures. The advantages of CDC comparing to a simple poll-based or query-based process are: All changes captured: intermediary changes (updates, deletes) between two runs of the poll loop may be missed.

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Custom Web API Component

Have you built a new great Web API for your product? Wouldn’t be wonderful to have it available as a part of the great Apache Camel component family? We would love it. The community just released Camel 3 which is more modular, lightweight and already includes lots of components (300+) to quickly integrate various systems consuming or producing data. All of these components can be used with the same integration domain specific language (DSL) based on the famous Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs).

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CAPI Gateway: Using Apache Camel at the European Commission

I’ve been working at the European Commission for the last 4 years as a Software Architect, working for a unit responsible for developing reusable components, and advocating open source software. In this context, we organized already a couple of Hackathons and Bug bounties open to all the open source communities. In the team, we worked already a couple of times with Apache Camel, and I like the elegance and performance compared with other integration frameworks.

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