JVM since0.4.0 Native since0.4.0

Transforms XML payload using an XSLT template.

What’s inside

Please refer to the above link for usage and configuration details.

Maven coordinates


Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.

Additional Camel Quarkus configuration

To optimize XSLT processing, the extension needs to know the locations of the XSLT templates at build time. The XSLT source URIs have to be passed via the quarkus.camel.xslt.sources property. Multiple URIs can be separated by comma.

quarkus.camel.xslt.sources = transform.xsl, classpath:path/to/my/file.xsl

Scheme-less URIs are interpreted as classpath: URIs.

Only classpath: URIs are supported on Quarkus. file:, http: and other kinds of URIs do not work by design.

The content of the XSLT source URIs is parsed and compiled into Java classes at build time. These Java classes are the only source of XSLT information at runtime. The XSLT source files may not be included in the application archive at all.

the extension does not yet support Java 11.

Configuration property Type Default


A comma separated list of templates to compile.



The package name for the generated classes.



Configuration property fixed at build time. All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime.